Assessment Design
With licensed classroom teachers and doctoral level assessment experts on our team, we can help schools design instruments, practices and data workflows to measure student learning.
Assessment Technologies
Need a sustainable solution to sustain classroom assessment and ongoing program evaluation? We design and implement custom solutions using various technologies. We feature our rGrade platform for comprehensive solutions for schools and districts.
Professional Development
We have a number of online and face-to-face workshops and training programs to strengthen assessment in K12 schools and higher education. We also design custom professional development solutions with clients.
Since 1993
Your Strategic Partner for Assessment
We connect the potentials of emerging technologies with the needs of your curriculum, your teachers, and your students. We are a company of technologists, educators, and researchers that help schools evaluate needs, identify capacities, write grants, and implement solutions that advance strategic goals with technology and learning. With our rGrade™ Assessment Management System and other technologies, we can design systemic solutions that connect professional development with outcomes of student learning.

Next Steps...
We can easily schedule a phone call or webinar to chat with you about your assessment and eLearning needs.